Webinar Archives

Cultural Sensitivity and Competence in Experiential Learning

As our students leave UTHSC, they find themselves in an increasingly diverse country. In order for them to be successful practitioners, they must not only be aware of the cultures in which they work, but need also to think about how their own backgrounds, experiences, and language affect the people around them. In this webinar.… Read More



  • Mukta Panda, MD, Assistant Dean for Medical Education and Professor, College of Medicine

Collaboration with Office365

Microsoft Office includes many tools that allows instructors and students to collaborate. This session will demonstrate how to work with each other within Word and PowerPoint, how to share files, and how to use Microsoft Whiteboard to work together in real time.



  • Tonya Brown, IT Analyst, Information Technology Services

Team-Based Learning in the Virtual Environment

Using active learning strategies to engage students has become even more important as our courses have moved online. Team-Based Learning (TBL) is one form of active learning that has been successful at UTHSC. However, there have been challenges with moving TBL into an online setting. Join Drs. Angela Cantrell and Pat Ryan from the College… Read More



  • Angela Cantrell, PhD, Associate Professor, College of Medicine
  • Pat Ryan, PhD, Senior Assistant Dean, College of Medicine

Effective Feedback and Evaluation: Best Practices for Improvement

Providing meaningful feedback to learners is essential for performance improvement. Feedback culture also plays a significant role in learner growth. In this session, we discussed best practices for improving feedback and feedback culture. Participants applied the ask-tell-ask model of feedback to relevant scenarios and shared their assessment and feedback top tips.



  • Amy Hall, EdD, Instructional Consultant, TLC
  • Devin Scott, Instructional Consultant, TLC

Designing Scaffolds to Support Student Learning

Dr. Jaime Sabel, Assistant Professor in Biological Sciences at the University of Memphis, presents the FRAMER framework she developed for creating tools to support students in their courses. She provides examples in her own work of the types of tools she has created and results of studies to examine their effectiveness. Participants had the opportunity… Read More



  • Jaime Sabel, PhD, Assistant Professor in Biological Sciences at the University of Memphis

Best Practices for Designing Effective Online Courses

Quality Matters (QM) is a system of rubrics and standards designed to help instructors incorporate best practices into their online courses. Dr. Lynn Russll, Chair and Associate Professor in the College of Dentistry is a reviewer for QM and has also used the rubrics for her own online course. In this webinar, Tom Laughner, Director… Read More



  • Lynn Russell, EdD, Chair and Associate Professor in the College of Dentistry

An Overview of Quality Matters, a Rubric for Developing Effective Online Courses

As we think about how to move our courses online, we can make use of rubrics and standards that can guide us on effective practices for teaching and engaging our students. UTHSC subscribes to Quality Matters, a national organization that works with faculty to incorporate best practices into their online courses. Dr. Jim Snyder, Director… Read More



  • James Snyder, PhD; Director of Community Engagement and Marketing, Quality Matters

Practical Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment

Diversity comes in many forms: race/ethnicity, gender expression, age, socioeconomic status, disability (physical, emotional, learning), first-generation student, and many more. As our student body becomes more diverse, creating a welcoming, inclusive learning environment becomes increasingly important to student success and overall wellness. Tom Laughner interviews Dr. Janeane Anderson, assistant professor in the College of Nursing,… Read More



  • Janeane Anderson, PhD, College of Nursing

Active Learning Strategies in Remote and Face-to-Face Courses

Active learning strategies in clinical and didactic settings will be discussed. Participants learn case based and didactic active learning techniques that can be used in remote or face-to-face courses. Additionally, participants discuss the benefits of active learning and develop a plan to implement active learning in their courses.



  • Amy Hall, EdD, Instructional Consultant, TLC
  • Devin Scott, Instructional Consultant, TLC