TLC Posts

Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons From the Science of Learning


Author:  James M. Lang Published: August 24, 2021 UTHSC Library Research into how we learn can help facilitate better student learning―if we know how to apply it. Small Teaching fills the gap in higher education literature between the primary research in cognitive theory and the classroom environment. In this book, James Lang presents a strategy for improving student learning with… Read More

How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching


Authors: Susan A. Ambrose, Michael W. Bridges, Michele DiPietro, Marsha C. Lovett, Marie K. Norman  Published: May 17, 2010 UTHSC Library “How Learning Works is the perfect title for this excellent book. Drawing upon new research in psychology, education, and cognitive science, the authors have demystified a complex topic into clear explanations of seven powerful learning… Read More

Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment in College


Authors: Barbara E. Walvoord, Virginia Johnson Anderson Published: November 16, 2009 UTHSC Library The second edition of Effective Grading―the book that has become a classic in the field―provides a proven hands-on guide for evaluating student work and offers an in-depth examination of the link between teaching and grading. Authors Barbara E. Walvoord and Virginia Johnson Anderson explain… Read More

Designing a Motivational Syllabus: Creating a Learning Path for Student Engagement


Authors: Christine Harrington, Melissa Thomas Published: May 17, 2018 UTHSC Library Advice for New Faculty Members: Nihil Nimus is a unique and essential guide to the start of a successful academic career. As its title suggests (nothing in excess), it advocates moderation in ways of working, based on the single-most reliable difference between new faculty who… Read More

Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers


Authors: K. Patricia Cross, Thomas A. Angelo  Published: April 16, 1993 UTHSC Library What classroom assessment entails and how it works. How to plan, implement, and analyze assessment projects. Twelve case studies that detail the real-life classroomexperiences of teachers carrying out successful classroomassessment projects. Fifty classroom assessment techniques. Step-by-step procedures for administering the techniques Practical… Read More

Best Practices for Flipping the College Classroom


Editors: Julee B. Waldrop (Editor), Melody A. Bowdon (Editor) Published: June 26, 2015 UTHSC Library Best Practices for Flipping the College Classroom provides a comprehensive overview and systematic assessment of the flipped classroom methodology in higher education.  

Advice For New Faculty Members


Author: Robert Boice Published: January 21, 2000 UTHSC Library Advice for New Faculty Members: Nihil Nimus is a unique and essential guide to the start of a successful academic career. As its title suggests (nothing in excess), it advocates moderation in ways of working, based on the single-most reliable difference between new faculty who thrive and… Read More

The Courage to Teach: Exploring The Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life


Author(s): Parker Palmer Published: September 5, 2017 UTHSC Library Inclusive instruction is teaching that recognizes and affirms a student’s social identity as an important influence on teaching and learning processes, and that works to create an environment in which students are able to learn from the course, their peers, and the teacher while still being… Read More

What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellence in College Teaching


Authors: Tracie Marcella Addy, Derek Dube, Khadijah A. Mitchell, Mallory SoRelle Published: May 13, 2021 UTHSC Library Inclusive instruction is teaching that recognizes and affirms a student’s social identity as an important influence on teaching and learning processes, and that works to create an environment in which students are able to learn from the course, their peers, and… Read More

Blackboard Ultra Course Upgrade Coming Soon


TLC and ITS will upgrade the Blackboard Learning Management System to its newest version, Ultra Learn, to take advantage of improved navigation and to enhance the user experience. Visit the Blackboard Ultra Upgrade Project site for the latest information about the migration, including videos, documentation, training materials, and more.