TLC Posts

Interactive Lecturing: A Handbook for College Faculty


Author:  Elizabeth F. Barkley, Claire H. Major Published: February 28, 2018 UTHSC Library Have you ever looked out across your students only to find them staring at their computers or smartphones rather than listening attentively to you? Have you ever wondered what you could do to encourage students to resist distractions and focus on the information… Read More

Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom


Author:  Kelly A. Hogan, Viji Sathy Published: August 1, 2022 UTHSC Library In a book written by and for college teachers, Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy provide tips and advice on how to make all students feel welcome and included. They begin with a framework describing why explicit attention to structure enhances inclusiveness in both… Read More

How to Create and Use Rubrics for Formative Assessment


Author: Susan M. Brookhart  Published: January 11, 2013 UTHSC Library What is a rubric? A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for student work that describes levels of performance quality. Sounds simple enough, right? Unfortunately, rubrics are commonly misunderstood and misused. The good news is that when rubrics are created and used correctly, they are strong… Read More

Engaging Learning: Designing E-Learning Simulation Games


Author: Clark N. Quinn Published: May 19, 2005 UTHSC Library Learning is at its best when it is goal-oriented, contextual, interesting, challenging, and interactive. These same winning characteristics also define the best computer games, which suggests that the most effective learning experiences are also engaging. Learning can and should be hard fun! The challenge is… Read More

Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Guide to the Process, and How to Develop a Project From Start to Finish


Authors: Cathy Bishop-Clark, Beth Dietz-Uhler  Published: August 27, 2012 UTHSC Library This is a book for anyone who has ever considered engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning – known familiarly as SoTL – and needs a better understanding of what it is, and how to engage in it. The authors describe how to… Read More

Engaged Teaching: A Handbook for College Faculty


Authors:  Claire Howell Major, Elizabeth F. Barkley Published: February 24, 2002 UTHSC Library Teaching today can be tough, but when done effectively, it can also be a deeply rewarding profession. To become an effective teacher is to begin by being an engaged teacher—intellectually, emotionally, and conatively grappling with the art and craft of teaching. Engaged Teaching:… Read More

The New Science of Learning: How to Learn in Harmony with Your Brain


Author: Todd D. Zakrajsek Published: June 27, 2022 UTHSC Library While preserving the elements that have made the previous two editions so successful―such as chapters on sleep, exercise, memory and mindset―this third edition introduces students to wholly new aspects of brain function and how they impact learning; and furthermore, addresses the challenges of learning online.… Read More

Unraveling Faculty Burnout: Pathways to Reckoning and Renewal


Author: Rebecca Pope-Ruark Published: September 20, 2022 UTHSC Library Faculty often talk about how busy, overwhelmed, and stressed they are. These qualities are seen as badges of honor in a capitalist culture that values productivity above all else. But for many women in higher education, exhaustion and stress go far deeper than end-of-the-semester malaise.  Burnout,… Read More

Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons From the Science of Learning


Author:  James M. Lang Published: August 24, 2021 UTHSC Library Research into how we learn can help facilitate better student learning―if we know how to apply it. Small Teaching fills the gap in higher education literature between the primary research in cognitive theory and the classroom environment. In this book, James Lang presents a strategy for improving student learning with… Read More

How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching


Authors: Susan A. Ambrose, Michael W. Bridges, Michele DiPietro, Marsha C. Lovett, Marie K. Norman  Published: May 17, 2010 UTHSC Library “How Learning Works is the perfect title for this excellent book. Drawing upon new research in psychology, education, and cognitive science, the authors have demystified a complex topic into clear explanations of seven powerful learning… Read More