Category: Assess Student Learning



First Published:April 22, 2024   Rubrics are an assessment tool that guide grading by articulating specific components of assignments and communicating expectations for those components. Rubrics lend themselves to assessments where it is important to communicate high expectations, provide targeted feedback, and demonstrate learning priorities. When provided to students and used for assessment, rubrics purposefully… Read More

Writing Effective Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ)


Last ReviewedJuly 23, 2024 First Published:January 31, 2023   Multiple-choice questions inclusive of a question/stem, a key/correct answer, and distractors/incorrect answer choices are frequently used in health science education due to efficiency in grading and their frequent inclusion on licensing and board examinations. In addition to these advantages, Brame (2013) asserts that multiple-choice questions can… Read More

Giving Effective Feedback


Last Reviewed:May 23, 2024 First Published:May 11, 2022   Feedback has been described as the “cornerstone” of effective teaching (Cantillon, 2008) and is essential for performance improvement. Feedback, whether verbal or written, should include both positive and constructive guidance for maintaining and improving knowledge, skills, and attitudes with an emphasis on improvement strategies. “Without feedback… Read More

Student Assessment


Last Updated:March 2, 2023 First Published:March 1, 2022   Assessment tools can help faculty evaluate how well their learners have met learning goals and objectives. Faculty can use formal assessment tools, like examinations and quizzes, to gauge student learning. Additionally, faculty can use informal assessment tools like in-class discussion, two-sentence mini-papers in class, brief student… Read More