Webinar Archives

Teaching and Thinking With AI

Sponsored by the University of Tennessee Educational Developers Consortium, this practical session will help you discover what AI can do for you (grant applications, recommendation letters and faster grading?) and how students are already using it (sometimes to cheat). AI is already changing human working and thinking and it will be key to know which… Read More



  • José Bowen, PhD

Psychological Safety in SIM: Building Trust to Practice at the Edge

This session discusses the essential role psychological safety plays in a learner’s ability to engage in simulation and debriefing, and therefore gain useful experience and learning. We’ll define psych safety and address some of the misinterpretations of the term. We’ll talk about how to establish a psychologically safe environment, maintain it, and re-establish safety when… Read More



  • Sophia Mosher, MPA, CHSE

Deconstructed Small Group Simulation

This webinar will provide information on a unique experiential learning opportunity found in simulation-based education. Participants will learn how small group simulation can foster deeper knowledge construction, facilitate discussions, and build active learning communities.



  • Jamie Pitt, CHSE

Teaching With AI: Friend? Foe? Frenemy?

Educators have been grappling with how to approach artificial intelligence (AI) platforms, such as ChatGPT. This webinar considers some of the ups and downs of AI in educational spaces. Participants will learn techniques for using AI to support their teaching and learning goals. Participants will also consider how educators can frame assignments to a) discourage students… Read More



  • Amy Hall, EdD
  • Devin Scott, PhD
  • Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua, PhD

Creating a Healthy Peer Review of Teaching

Doing a peer review can be stressful for the reviewer and the reviewee. While each of UTHSC’s colleges have their own process for conducting peer reviews, there are ample evidence-based best practices for how those reviews might be done to reduce the anxiety of the process while making it a useful and helpful experience for… Read More



  • Thomas Laughner, PhD

Convincing Student Clinicians to Embrace Research

Structuring a research course in a way that captures the interest of student clinicians can be a challenge. Getting these students to embrace the importance of the research process and recognize its applicability to their future careers as health care professionals can be even harder. Recently, I assumed the responsibility of teaching a research course… Read More



  • Ashley Harkrider

Implementing Psychological Safety: Do Your Students Feel Safe to Learn in Your Course?

Psychological safety is a term that is used widely in simulation, but have you ever considered its significance to your student’s ability to learn in your course?  Psychological safety is the capacity of the members of a team to feel safe to explore, make mistakes, question, and answer questions in any event…including your course.  Without… Read More



  • Christie Cavallo

Technology for Inclusive Learning

Do you struggle with picking the right technology to use in your teaching? Do you want to find ways to engage all learners in your course? Technology for Inclusive Learning helps faculty identify technology that can promote inclusivity in their teaching environments. The goal of the session is for participants to use a student-centered lens to select effective… Read More



  • Jennifer Stewart
  • Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua

Assessing with Purpose: Using Rubrics to Communicate Expectations and Priorities

Rubrics are a valuable tool for communicating high expectations, providing targeted feedback, and demonstrating learning priorities. Join Dr. Scott in this interactive session about creating rubrics that purposefully communicate your expectations and priorities. In addition to discussing the ways in which rubrics can improve transparency and feedback, participants will apply the elements of effective rubric… Read More



  • Devin Scott, PhD, Instructional Consultant, TLC

Ways to Foster Clinical Reasoning Among Health Science Students

Clinical reasoning is a skill that all healthcare providers must have to achieve good patient outcomes. Teaching students effective and appropriate clinical reasoning abilities should be a goal of all health science education. Expert providers, who are now faculty who are teaching clinical reasoning to students, can have a very difficult challenge in transferring this… Read More



  • Christie Cavallo