Tag: Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua
Teaching With AI: Friend? Foe? Frenemy?
Educators have been grappling with how to approach artificial intelligence (AI) platforms, such as ChatGPT. This webinar considers some of the ups and downs of AI in educational spaces. Participants will learn techniques for using AI to support their teaching and learning goals. Participants will also consider how educators can frame assignments to a) discourage students… Read More
- Amy Hall, EdD
- Devin Scott, PhD
- Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua, PhD
Technology for Inclusive Learning
Do you struggle with picking the right technology to use in your teaching? Do you want to find ways to engage all learners in your course? Technology for Inclusive Learning helps faculty identify technology that can promote inclusivity in their teaching environments. The goal of the session is for participants to use a student-centered lens to select effective… Read More
- Jennifer Stewart
- Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua
Teaching in Tumultuous Times
When local, community, or global events impact our classrooms, it can be challenging to maintain focus on teaching and learning. Teaching in Tumultuous Times provides participants with evidence-based strategies to support students in a compassionate learning environment. In addition to student-centered approaches, the webinar shares strategies for faculty well-being, including how to navigate teaching difficult topics… Read More
- Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua
Saying the “Right Thing”: How to Prepare Learners for Difficult Conversations in Clinical and Classroom Settings
A challenging aspect of teaching future healthcare professionals arises when preparing them for strenuous interpersonal moments. This panel features faculty from across UTHSC sharing the ways they teach their learners to handle difficult conversations in both didactic and clinical settings. Faculty from Medicine, Nursing, and Health Professions share teaching strategies for preparing learners to give… Read More
- Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua, PhD, Teaching & Learning Center
- Lauren Woods, PhD, College of Health Professions
- Christie Manasco, PhD, College of Nursing
- Thomas Yohannan, MD, College of Medicine
- Tyler Kiles, PharmD, College of Pharmacy
ChatGPT: Optimizing Artificial Intelligence for Education
A panel of faculty, staff, and students will discuss ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence tool that can automatically write a paper on any topic. The group will discuss the tool and how it is used, the implications for UTHSC’s honor code and academic integrity, and strategies and ideas for how to incorporate the tool into your… Read More
- Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua, PhD, Teaching and Learning Center
- Amy Hall, EdD, Teaching and Learning Center
- Tom Laughner, PhD, Teaching and Learning Center
- Ted Cory, PhD, College of Pharmacy
- Chance Arnold, College of Health Professions
- Bailey Floyd, College of Health Professions
- Elizabeth Tobener, College of Graduate Health Sciences
Using a Medical Humanities Framework to Support Inclusive Learning
This webinar considers how tools from the emergent field of Medical Humanities can supporting inclusive learning environments. Participants will engage in practices like narrative medicine, visual analysis, and historic contextualization. The webinar offers practical tools to implement inclusive pedagogies in a range of health science learning environments.
- Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua, PhD, Instructional Consultant, Teaching and Learning Center