TLC Posts

Backward Planning: Kate Fouquier, College of Nursing


Learn More about Backward Planning with the TLC’s Course Design Medallion    

Fall 2022 Webinars


The TLC staff has put together an exciting slate of webinars for this semester. Speakers are a combination of our faculty, TLC staff, and one outside speaker. Topics range from creating engaging lectures, to finding the right technology to meet your pedagogical goals and having difficult conversations in clinical and classroom settings. I hope you… Read More

July 2022


Volume 5, Issue 2 In this issue: The Teaching Scope: Using ePortfolios to support student learning Teacher’s Toolbox: Digital Whiteboards Did You Know?: Evaluating Course Workloads Pedagogy Podcast: How to Engage on Social Media Research Bytes: Benefits to Beginning Class with a Visible Agenda  

New TLC Web Site Feature!


All of the TLC’s webinars, dating back to January 2020, are available on the TLC web site (under Programs and Events/Webinar Archives). The archives page has two new features: Click on any of the keywords and other webinars with the same keyword will be listed. You can search by date, speaker, or topic. Leave comments… Read More

Blackboard Learn Training


Blackboard Learn is our primary Learning Management System. TLC will be offering sessions for those using either Blackboard Learn Original (July 8) or Blackboard Learn Ultra (June 29). These sessions will give a general overview of Blackboard including an overview of vital features, and course tools used to promote student learning and success. Registration for… Read More

Blackboard Ally Training


We are excited to announce the rollout of a new tool, named Ally. Ally provides instructors a tool set to make sure Blackboard courses are useable and accessible. The first training session is scheduled for July 22 from 9am to 1030am CDT/10am to 11:30am EDT. Registration is limited to twenty. It will be recorded for… Read More

2022-2023 Teaching Excellence Institute


The TLC will be offering four tracks in the 2022-2023 Teaching Excellence Institute. These year-long programs combine monthly live sessions (via Zoom) with online activities throughout the year. Instructors who successfully complete the requirements will receive a certificate from the Chancellor and a $500 stipend. More information can be found at Next year’s tracks… Read More

March 2022


Volume 5, Issue 1 In this issue: The Teaching Scope: Educating Students about Mental Health Teacher’s Toolbox: Using Equity Mapping Did You Know?: Learning about the Blackboard Ultra Conversion Pedagogy Podcast: What Inclusive Instructors Do Research Bytes: Connecting Students with Online Icebreakers  

The Skillful Teacher: On Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom


Author: Steven D. Brookfield Now available in the TLC. Students say the best teachers get them excited about learning, stretch their thinking, and keep them actively involved in class. But with increasingly diverse classrooms and constantly changing technology, each semester throws up new challenges for engaging students. Discover how to keep your teaching, and your… Read More

November 2021


Volume 4, Issue 2 In this issue: The Teaching Scope: Creating Affordable Classrooms with Open Educational Resources Teacher’s Toolbox: Using Podcast Software Did You Know?: Adding StudyMate to Blackboard Pedagogy Podcast: Fuel Efficient Mentoring Research Bytes: The Myth of the Natural Teacher