TLC Connect Instructors

Full Name College Department Teaching Methodology Experience Pedagogy Experience Technology Experience
Andretti, Fabio Dentistry General Dentistry Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Group Discussion, Simulation-based Education Microsoft 365, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, iMovie, QuickTime, Keynote
Reynolds, Rebecca Health Professions Diagnostic and Health Sciences Online (asynchronous) Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Team-Based Learning, Group Discussion Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, Screencastomatic, Padlet
Tucker, Janet Nursing Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Lecture, Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Poll Everywhere, ExamSoft
West, Nico Medicine Pediatrics Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Active Learning Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Team-Based Learning, Feedback and Assessment, Flipped Classroom, Group Discussion Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, Google Suite
Franks, Andrea Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science Lecture, Clinical, Active Learning Lecture, Team-Based Learning Blackboard, Zoom, Poll Everywhere
Doering, Tracey Medicine Chat Internal Medicine Lecture, Online (synchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Lecture, Flipped Classroom Zoom, Poll Everywhere
Krishnaiah , Balaji Medicine Neurology Lecture, Clinical, Active Learning Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Flipped Classroom, Simulation-based Education eMedley, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, Kahoot!
Manasco, Christie Nursing Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Feedback and Assessment, Flipped Classroom, Group Discussion, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, Kahoot!, Padlet
Williams, L. Alexia Nursing Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Team-Based Learning, Feedback and Assessment, Flipped Classroom, Group Discussion, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, ExamSoft
Little, Sharon Nursing Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Lecture, Online (asynchronous), Clinical Lecture, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Zoom, ExamSoft
Johnson, Randy Nursing Acute and Tertiary Care Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Team-Based Learning, Flipped Classroom, Group Discussion, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, ExamSoft
King, Lauren Medicine Pathology Lecture, Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Flipped Classroom eMedley, Microsoft 365, Zoom, Poll Everywhere
Hamilton, Leslie Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Team-Based Learning, Feedback and Assessment, Flipped Classroom, Group Discussion, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, ExamSoft, Kahoot!
Yohannan, Thomas Medicine Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology Lecture, Online (asynchronous), Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Feedback and Assessment, Flipped Classroom, Group Discussion Zoom, Poll Everywhere, Google Suite
Christiansen, Cassandra Dentistry Dental Hygiene Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, ExamSoft
Lancaster, Stephanie Health Professions Occupational Therapy Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Feedback and Assessment, Flipped Classroom, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, Kahoot!, Google Suite
Farrell, N. Alise Nursing Acute and Tertiary Care Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Team-Based Learning, Flipped Classroom, Group Discussion, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, ExamSoft
Zachry, Anne Health Professions Occupational Therapy Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Team-Based Learning, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Zoom
Taylor, Melissa Medicine Anatomy & Neurobiology Lecture, Online (synchronous) Lecture Blackboard, eMedley, Microsoft 365, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, ExamSoft
Bellflower, Bobby Nursing Advanced Practice & Doctoral Study Program Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Clinical, Active Learning Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Feedback and Assessment, Group Discussion, Simulation-based Education Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, ExamSoft