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Andrea Franks, PharmD, BCPS

Photo of Andrea  Franks

College of Pharmacy
Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science
Knoxville Campus, UT College of Pharmacy
Knoxville, TN, 37920
Faculty Profile

Teaching Methodology: Lecture, Clinical, Active Learning
Pedagogy Expertise: Lecture, Team-Based Learning
Technology Expertise: Blackboard, Zoom, Poll Everywhere

Medallions Earned

Medallion Information

Medallion image for Inclusive Learning


Dr. Andrea Franks is Professor and Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science in the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy. She also holds a faculty appointment in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine. Her clinical practice, teaching, and research site is in Family Medicine at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Dr. Franks teaches throughout the Pharm.D. curriculum and serves as a preceptor in Family Medicine for Pharm.D. students as well as PGY-1 and PGY-2 pharmacy residents at UT Medical Center. Dr. Franks leads and participates in college and campus committees and working groups responsible for educational programs and curriculum. She is a certified Team-Based Learning consultant-trainer and has received several teaching awards, and has presented local, regional, and national presentations and workshops on teaching and learning, pharmacy faculty stress, and workload issues. She was recently recognized as a UT Alumni Association Distinguished Service Professor.