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Stephanie Lancaster, EdD, OTR/L

Photo of Stephanie Lancaster

Assistant Professor
College of Health Professions
Occupational Therapy
Non Tenure Track
930 Madison Ave., Suite 618
Memphis, TN, 38163
Faculty Profile

Teaching Methodology: Lecture, Online (synchronous), Online (asynchronous), Active Learning
Pedagogy Expertise: Case-Based Learning, Lecture, Feedback and Assessment, Flipped Classroom, Simulation-based Education
Technology Expertise: Blackboard, Microsoft 365, Zoom, Poll Everywhere, Kahoot!, Google Suite


Stephanie completed her undergraduate degree at Washington University in St. Louis and has practiced as an occupational therapist since 1991. In 2013, she joined the faculty at UTHSC and since that time has earned a Master's in Leadership & Policy Studies with an emphasis on Adult Learning and a doctorate in education (an EdD) in Instruction & Curricular Leadership with an emphasis on Instructional Design and Technology from the University of Memphis. She is "techie" and frequently uses technology (including low-tech strategies) to facilitate learning and for retrieval practice. She serves as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for the Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity (COTAD) and is the host of the On The Air podcast. She is heavily involved in issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice and says she loves to learn and volunteer alongside the students she teaches as part of experiential learning. She completed both of her graduate level degrees as a 100% online learner and so relates to the struggles and stresses of students working in that format.