Tag: Case-Based Learning

Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education


Authors: Jeremy T. Murphy and Meira Levinson Published: March 7, 2023 UTHSC Library Based on work conducted through the Instructional Moves project at Harvard University, Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education outlines the many ways in which good college and graduate school teaching is rooted in deliberate pedagogical choices that support active learning. Jeremy T.… Read More

Case-Based Learning


Last Reviewed:July 23, 2024 First Published:January 27, 2023   Case-based learning (CBL) is a learner-centered teaching strategy in which learners analyze authentic problems, real or fictional, to address problems, resolve questions, and/or identify solutions. Working in groups or individually, learners examine cases using guided inquiry, applying knowledge and critical thinking skills, and connecting theory to… Read More

Leveraging Case-Based Learning to Increase Learner Engagement with Materials

Dr. Jackson will discuss his strategies to engage students through the use of case-based learning. During this session, participants will: Define case-based learning  Distinguish case-based learning from problem-based learning Identify features of effective case-based learning sessions Review strategies to enhance case-based learning sessions



  • Chris Jackson, MD, College of Medicine

September 2019


Volume 2, Issue 4 In this issue: The Teaching Scope: Design Matters: Using QM Standards to Streamline… Teaching Toolbox: Add Some Spark to Your CBL Did You Know? TLC has… Pedagogy Podcast: The College Classroom Assessment Compendium Research Bytes: Student STEM Identity