Tag: 2024

Teaching and Thinking With AI

Sponsored by the University of Tennessee Educational Developers Consortium, this practical session will help you discover what AI can do for you (grant applications, recommendation letters and faster grading?) and how students are already using it (sometimes to cheat). AI is already changing human working and thinking and it will be key to know which… Read More



  • José Bowen, PhD

Psychological Safety in SIM: Building Trust to Practice at the Edge

This session discusses the essential role psychological safety plays in a learner’s ability to engage in simulation and debriefing, and therefore gain useful experience and learning. We’ll define psych safety and address some of the misinterpretations of the term. We’ll talk about how to establish a psychologically safe environment, maintain it, and re-establish safety when… Read More



  • Sophia Mosher, MPA, CHSE

Using SNAPPS to Engage Students: Laura Reed, College of Nursing



The Challenges of the Flipped Classroom


Dr. Aditi Kesari, Assistant Professor in the College of Medicine, talks about the presentation she did on the challenges of the flipped classroom.

November 2024


Volume 7, Issue 3 In This Issue: The Teaching Scope: The Power of Simulation Teacher’s Toolbox: Using AI for Accessibility and Inclusion Did You Know?: Meet UT Verse: Your New AI Sidekick Pedagogy Podcast: Take it or Leave it: Hot Takes on Teaching and Learning Research Bytes: A Hard Look at “Soft Skills” Book Giveaway:… Read More

How Do You Feel? Humanity in Health Care, Part 2


Dr. Jessica Gold, associate professor of psychiatry in the College of Medicine and the chief wellness officer for the University of Tennessee System is the author of a book titled How Do You Feel? One Doctor’s Search for Humanity in Medicine. This is the second of a two-part series, discussing how health care workers cope with the stress of their professions and the importance of self-care and self-compassion.

Interactive Lecturing: Durable Learning Through Active Engagement

Join us for a transformative webinar designed for educators who want to revitalize their traditional didactic lectures. This session will provide you with actionable strategies to transform traditional lectures into interactive learning experiences that actively engage students, thereby enhancing their ability to retain and apply knowledge. Topics discussed include developing audience centered lectures, establishing presence,… Read More



  • Devin Scott, PhD

How Do You Feel? Humanity in Heath Care, Part 1


Dr. Jessica Gold, associate professor of psychiatry in the College of Medicine and the chief wellness officer for the University of Tennessee System is the author of a book titled How Do You Feel? One Doctor’s Search for Humanity in Medicine. This is the first of a two-part series, discussing how health care workers cope with the stress of their professions and the importance of self-care and self-compassion.

Efficacy of Teaching Motivational Interviewing


Flagg S. K., Oral Presentation, Presenter, The International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, “Utilizing simulated patient methodology to teach motivational interviewing: Dental hygiene undergraduate students’ experience​​”, Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL, United States, January 23, 2023

July 2024


Volume 7, Issue 2 In This Issue: The Teaching Scope: Directing the Teaching and Learning Center Teacher’s Toolbox: QAARD: Questioning Aid for Rich, Real-time Discussion Did You Know?: Making PowerPoint Interactive Pedagogy Podcast: Using scenario development and case studies to make learning real Research Bytes: Writing effective multiple choice and multiple-response questions Book Giveaway: The… Read More