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Tips To Improve Live Polling Participation


February 2022


  • Give instructions up-front
    Before your first poll, tell your audience that you will be asking them to participate using their mobile devices or laptops. Giving clear instructions upfront sets expectations and will encourage participation.
  • Do a practice poll
    Start your session with a practice poll. We recommend a fun icebreaker poll. “What is the weather like today?” Doing so gives your audience time to get out their devices and learn how to participate in a low-pressure setting.
  • Slow down
    Presenters tend to rush polls because there is a natural tendency to be uncomfortable with the silence while waiting for people to respond. Typically, you should allow 90 seconds for your first poll, and 30-40 seconds thereafter. As your audience becomes accustomed to responding, you’ll be able to pick up the pace.
  • Mix it up
    Make sure polls are spaced out, and that the audience will be interested in learning their own consensus. For example, one poll with funny or silly answers works well, but a few in a row and the audience may lose attention.
  • Offer incentives
    If people have incentives to participate, “poll- fatigue” is not usually an issue. Examples include offering prizes for participation, making it a game or competition, and of course giving credit for quizzes or tests.
  • Describe what is going to happen
    “I’m going to ask for your opinion. In order to respond, I need you to take out your phone or any other web-enabled device you may have. Go ahead and do that now.”
  • Tell the audience how to respond
    For web responses, “Open your web browser and type in the URL shown here on the screen. That’s pollev.com/ (your unique link). The first question will appear in just a moment.” I will use this polling process throughout our session.

Visit this site for more ideas! https://www.polleverywhere.com/presenter-notes