Tag: Interactive Lecturing

Interactive Lecturing: Durable Learning Through Active Engagement

Join us for a transformative webinar designed for educators who want to revitalize their traditional didactic lectures. This session will provide you with actionable strategies to transform traditional lectures into interactive learning experiences that actively engage students, thereby enhancing their ability to retain and apply knowledge. Topics discussed include developing audience centered lectures, establishing presence,… Read More



  • Devin Scott, PhD

Reframing the Lecture as a Pedagogy of Engagement

To lecture or not to lecture? This is a common question in higher education today, as critics have called lectures boring, obsolete, old-fashioned, overused, and even unfair. The criticisms, however, often are leveled at one type of lecture: the full-session, transmission-model lecture. There are, however, other forms of lecture. So perhaps the question we should… Read More



  • Claire Major, PhD, University of Alabama