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Flip: Marcia Sharp, College of Health Professions


Marcia Sharp, EdD, MBA, RHIA
Associate Professor, College of Health Professions


First Published:
August 7, 2024 by:
Jennifer Stewart, MPS
Academic Technology Consultant


“Students liked having different options to discuss content rather than just relying solely on the written discussions.”

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“The Health Informatics and Information Management (HIIM) program uses the Community of Inquiry (COI) Model to aid in creating a deep and meaningful educational experience for students. A key element of the COI model is social presence. A goal in using Flip is to increase social presence among online graduate students who rarely see one another. In the Leadership for Health Information Technology and Systems course, I used Flip to allow students to reflect on different leadership topics. The first topic students responded to was on self-discipline.  Students were given readings about managing oneself (Drucker, P.) and self-discipline (Maxwell, J.). After reading, students discussed which concepts of self-discipline resonated with them the most and provided examples to substantiate their responses. They also shared how this new knowledge will shape their decision-making. Flip helped me achieve the goal of increasing social presence among online graduate students. Students liked having different options to discuss content rather than just relying solely on the written discussions. As well, I enjoyed providing an alternative.”