Category: iMPACT

August 2018


Volume 1, Issue 5 In this issue: The Teaching Scope: Jeopardy-Game Teaching Pedagogy Teacher’s Toolbox: Engaging and Educating with EdPuzzle Did You Know? EndNote X8… Pedagogy Podcast: Research on Engaging Learners Research Bytes: 7 out of 10 professors…  

July 2018


Volume 1, Issue 4 In this issue: The Teaching Scope: Using the LMS Teacher’s Toolbox: Rev Recall with Quizlet Pedagogy Podcast: Thinking Outside the LMS Research Bytes: 85% of faculty and students… What’s Next?: Mediasite Learning Series  

June 2018


Volume 1, Issue 3 In this issue: The Teaching Scope: Universal Design for Learning and Instruction Teacher’s Toolbox: Infographics Pedagogy Podcast: Accessibility: It’s a Journey… Research Bytes: When students are cognitively engaged…  

May 2018


Volume 2, Issue 3 In this issue: The Teaching Scope: Intentional Assessment Teacher’s Toolbox: Punch of the Padlet Pedagogy Podcast: Academic Integrity Online Research Bytes: 96% of college students…  

April 2018


Volume 1, Issue 1 In this issue: The Teaching Scope: 4 Approaches to Active Learning Teacher’s Toolbox: FlipGrid Fever Pedagogy Podcast: Active Learning in STEM Research Bytes: 94% of higher ed students…