Category: Design Effective Learning Experiences

Flipped Classroom


Last Reviewed:March 28, 2024 First Published:March 10, 2022   Hurtubsie et al. (2015) described the flipped classroom as “the practice of assigning students didactic material, traditionally covered in lectures, to be learned before class while using face-to-face time for more engaging and active learning strategies” such as case-based or team-based learning, reflection, simulations, or discussions.… Read More

Experiential Learning


Last Reviewed:March 28, 2024 First Published:March 10, 2022   Experiential learning is a student-centered pedagogical strategy that emphasizes the significant role of real-life experiences and critical reflection to promote learning. David Kolb (1984) described experiential learning as “the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (p. 38) and developed a four-stage learning… Read More

Engaging Lectures


Last Updated:September 14, 2023 First Published:March 8, 2022   Engaging lectures keep your audience focused while providing new insight and stimulating thinking and analysis. Active lecturing can motivate your audience to develop new skills and think in new ways.   Use the comments section below to let us know your ideas about engaging lectures.

Effective Presentations


Last Updated:September 7, 2023 First Published:June 17, 2022   Effective presentations are audience-centered. They keep the audience focused while they are informed or persuaded. Effective presentation techniques ensure that your students and peers engage with your ideas in a meaningful way. Mastering the art of effective presentations can even help you to win friends or… Read More

Aligned Course Design


Last Updated:November 9, 2023 First Published:May 2, 2022   Aligned course design means that your learning goals, objectives, assessment tools, and teaching strategies all tie together to support student learning. Aligned course design begins with identifying overarching learning goals, developing measurable learning objectives, and then designing assessment tools to evaluate how well learners have met… Read More

Case-Based Learning


Last Reviewed:July 23, 2024 First Published:January 27, 2023   Case-based learning (CBL) is a learner-centered teaching strategy in which learners analyze authentic problems, real or fictional, to address problems, resolve questions, and/or identify solutions. Working in groups or individually, learners examine cases using guided inquiry, applying knowledge and critical thinking skills, and connecting theory to… Read More

Active Learning


Last Reviewed:May 23, 2024 First Published:June 1, 2022   Freeman et al. (2014) define active learning as instructional activities that engage “students in the process of learning through activities and/or discussion in class, as opposed to passively listening to an expert. It emphasizes higher order thinking and often involves group work” (p. 31). Active learning… Read More