Tag: Clinical Education

Improving Patient Communication Through Simulation: Carlos Clardy, College of Health Professions



Left-Handed Students in the Clinical Setting


Adams, D., Fulkerson Dikuua, K. J., & Hall, A. (2024). Inclusion in the clinic: A mixed methods study of left‐handed student’s perceptions of using cordless keyboards. Journal of Dental Education. https://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.13706

Active Learning In The Clinical Setting: Leslie Hamilton, College of Pharmacy



Challenges of Teaching in the Clinical Setting

Teaching in the clinical setting can be challenging. Educators must balance supervising and teaching students with providing high quality patient care. Challenges faced include time constraints, teaching multiple levels of learners at once, letting go of total control, etc. In this session, reflect upon specific challenges faced while teaching in the clinical setting and crowdsource… Read More

Teaching Clinical Reasoning Skills

Development of clinical reasoning skills is essential for health care practitioners to provide effective patient care. In this session, explore SNAPPS, a learner-centered, case presentation method and discuss how this strategy promotes clinical reasoning skills. Participants will practice implementing the SNAPPS method via small group case-based learning. Learning Outcomes Define clinical reasoning skills Describe strategies… Read More

Characteristics of Effective Clinical Teachers

Faculty’s teaching performance has been found to positively impact student performance and knowledge levels. In this session, explore characteristics of effective clinical teachers through critical reflection and collaboration. Participants will develop an action plan to improve their own teaching based on characteristics discussed. Learning Outcomes: Identify characteristics of effective clinical teachers Describe how faculty exhibit… Read More

Bite-Sized Teaching in the Clinical Setting

Time to teach in the clinical setting can be limited due to patient care and administrative responsibilities. In this session, learn about how to maximize learning while minimizing the impact on patient care. Participants will learn how to implement the flipped classroom/clinic, chalk talks, and questioning strategies when time is limited to provide learning in… Read More